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How can I get more feedback on Frettie?

If you're struggling to get feedback on your music. Here's some things to try.
  1. Ensure that you have a completed profile.
  2. Follow and engage with others to build trust.
  3. Give feedback on others songs.
  4. Ask others for feedback once you've given feedback to them. 
  5. Request feedback from others on the site directly. To do that, click the "Request Feedback" button on anyones profile. You can then choosing the song you'd like to send them. Note: Some profiles may have this featured turned off. 
  6. Share the songs you posted on Frettie with folks outside of Frettie. (Example: Share it on Twitter, Facebook etc. and have them reply back with their feedback.") You can do that right after you upload it, or by clicking on the "Share" on any song detail page. 
  7. Share your song's link on the "Official Frettie Facebook Group" as well. 
  8. Don't post too many songs at once. Sprinkle them out. If you post too many too fast, folks can get to them all. It's best to spread them out.
  9. Try to post before Wednesday's. :) This sounds strange, but we send out the "Frettie weekly email" on Thursday with a list of all the songs that have been posted in the past week.
  10. If you have a song that you REALY want to get some feedback on and think that you'd like to expand that feedback beyond the general community, you can purchase a professional song review from any of our industry professionals.
  11. Be consistent. Frettie is not a huge community, but it's niche. It's full of folks who engage with it nightly, weekly and sometime bi-weekly. The best way to get feedback and get the most from Frettie is to be consistent with your posts and engagement. This consistency allows you to continue to bubble to the top of Frettie and be seen as one of the more notable members on Frettie.
  12. Bring your friends and fellow songwriters into the community to give you feedback. Each member of Frettie has the ability to gift memberships as well as invite their friends to join Frettie at a distinct. You can invite your friends to join you and collaborate with you on your music by clicking the "heart" in the navigation or inviting them under your profile setting. 

If you ever have any questions, around how to get more out of Frettie, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're happy to share some tips with you.

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