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Selling your music through Frettie.

Knowing that somebody loves your song enough to buy it is great feedback. Frettie’s the perfect place to test this out. Plus, you get a little extra money back in your pocket to fund your songwriting initiatives.

Selling your music through Frettie is simple:

1.) Upload your song to Gumroad (Our recommended provider, because it's easy), iTunes, Paypal (or any other service you choose).

2.) Upload your song on Frettie and when you get to step 3 add the link from the above in in the "URL or Purchase Link" Field. Add the price that you're selling that song for, Check "Sell this song" and then click "Save Purchase Details". Your song is now selling through Frettie.

2.) When you add that purchase link to any song on Frettie, a button is added to that song's detail page. Anyone who visits that songs detail page can click that button and it will open up a new window displaying where they can purchase that song.

3.) You can charge whatever you'd like for a song. Just ensure that it matches the price you've set wherever they'll be purchasing the song from to avoid any confusion. Frettie also supports FREE downloads. To do that you set your price to $0.00 in Frettie, and use a Dropbox link for the "Purchase Link" or if you've made you song Free in Gumroad they'll be able to download that song Free of charge. 

4.) If you already have a song that you've uploaded to Frettie and you'd like to sell it? You can make it for sale and set up the purchase details by visiting the Song on Frettie and clicking on the "Sell This Song" link. This is also where you can edit the purchase details in the future. 

4.) You're not limited to just selling full songs on Frettie. You can upload an audio track and sell that for others to use in their music as a suggestion. 

5.) It's important to note that you must own your song and Frettie takes 0% of these transactions. We are simply providing a way for the community to discover some of the music that you may have for sale on Gumroad, iTunes etc. The fees that any of these providers charge you still apply. 

Want to learn more about selling your music with Gumroad? Visit:

Have any questions about selling your music through Frettie, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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